The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Charities Bill Coalition joined by financial services providers

Howard Lake | 14 May 2003 | News

The campaign for a charities bill received a boost this week with the announcement that both the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and the Charity Finance Directors’ Group (CFDG) have become members of the Charities Bill

The coalition now has 29 members. Other recent additions include Leonard Cheshire and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Stephen Ainger, Chief Executive of CAF, said: ‘CAF believes that the momentum for reform of charity law must be maintained by early legislation. To delay would mean kicking real change into the long grass.”


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Shirley Scott, Director of the Charity Finance Directors’ Group said: “It’s important not to lose the impetus for change created by the two Government reviews published last year. Several of the recommended changes will facilitate more straight forward accounting, especially in charity trading, which our members will welcome.”

Recently, the Charities Bill Coalition wrote to the Prime Minister and his Cabinet Ministers encouraging them to support the reform of charity law and urging them to press their colleagues in the Home Office to commit to a charities Bill in this year’s
Queen’s speech.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) launched a campaign
for a Charities Bill at the Labour Party Conference in October 2002. The Charities Bill Coalition was launched at NCVO’s Annual Conference in February 2003 at which time the Home Secretary announced that a draft bill would be prepared for pre-legislative scrutiny.

