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ICT Consortium launches questionnaire

Howard Lake | 12 July 2004 | News

The ICT Consortium is asking charities and voluntary sector organisations how they make use of information and communications techology. Fill in their online qiestionnaire to let them know.

The consortium is encouraging organisations to complete its survey, either online or on paper. “It’s not particularly technical”, they say: “anyone who knows enough about your organisation should be able to fill it in.”

The consortium consists of Lasa, IT4Communities, NACVS, NCVO, and its latest member AbilityNet.


Paul Ticher, one of the researchers involved, admits that there are plenty of other ICT questionnaires doing the rounds, not least because of the sums of money the government is making available to improve voluntary sector use of ICT. But the ICT Consortium’s research is different he says:
“It’s not just a snapshot, but part
of a “longitudinal” study which will go back to as many as possible of the same organisations later on and see how things have changed.”

The survey is also an opportunity, he says, for organisations to help determine the kind of services that the ICT Consortium will be providing over the coming years.

The closing date for completed responses is 17 August 2004.

