Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Broadcasting industry leaders back Community Channel

Howard Lake | 7 September 2004 | News

Murdoch and Thompson with their names on football shirts
Sky and BBC support the Community Channel

Leading TV company bosses, including BBC Director General Mark Thompson and Sky’s CEO James Murdoch, have launched a Joint Declaration of support for The Community Channel.

The Community Channel was set up by the Media Trust to encourage TV viewers to use, support and volunteer for charities and community organisations.

The BBC, Sky, Channel Four, Five, ITV, ITN, Discovery, Flextech, GMTV and the independent broadcasters’ body PACT have all publicly backed The Community Channel.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

As well as committing to give a higher profile to voluntary sector content, the broadcasters have pledged to inform the public about the Channel whenever editorially relevant. They will also develop a marketing plan jointly with the Community Channel to help viewers to find it. In addition, they will make relevant programming available to the Community Channel once it has fulfilled its uses on their own services.

BBC Director General, Mark Thompson, who also announced The Community Channel’s move to Freeview breakfast from 06.00 – 09.00 said: “The Community Channel has a unique ability to bring broadcasters together to improve the performance of charities in the broadcast media. It also helps broadcasters become more sensitised to social and community issues. That’s why I’ve been championing the Joint Declaration between broadcasters and media organisations.”

Sky’s Chief Executive, James Murdoch said: “Sky’s been there from the start to make sure The Community Channel has a prominent place in the digital world. We value its aims and are committed to ensuring it can improve the impact of charities on television.”

The Community Channel’s audience has reached one million in less than a year (source: DART June 2004) and receives more than 4,000 responses from its audience very week. It broadcasts 24 hours on Sky and Telewest and recently moved to Sky 585, together with news and documentaries. The new Freeview breakfast slot is expected to provide a further audience boost.

The joint declaration was made at an event at the BBC’s new Media Centre where Jane Mote, Community Channel Controller, unveiled the Channel’s new autumn schedule.

The channel claims a number of successes in addition to its growing audience: for example, 19% of charities in an online survey said that they have recruited more volunteers as a result of being on The Community Channel.

