The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change) adds sector news page

Howard Lake | 10 September 2004 | News, the site that lets you search for funding from five government departments for voluntary and community organisations, has added a weekly news service.

The service lists up to 10 news items about “important sector developments”. They are not updates on statutory funding or related issues. They are published on the Web site only: there is no archive of past news items, nor can one subscribe to receive a weekly e-mail alert of new items.

In fact, the news items themselves are simply taken, sometimes verbatim, from the Web sites of Third Sector magazine and They consist of a headline, brief summary and link to the relevant Web site.


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The sector news page replaced the site’s “Coming Soon” section.

Given that the news doesn’t focus on the site’s main subject, namely government funding, and that it largely reproduces existing news, it does seem a little superfluous, given the variety of voluntary sector news resources available.

