The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

BHF beats Leonard Cheshire in charity softball league

Howard Lake | 23 September 2004 | News

A team from the British Heart Foundation beat one from Leonard Cheshire in the final of the second annual Charity Softball League in London’s Hyde Park on 16 September.

The league, which was set up last year by Leo Visconti from Leonard Cheshire’s corporate fundraising team, has expanded since its first season from ten teams to 16.

Leo said: “The competition this year has been even better than last year. It gives everyone a great opportunity to meet people from other charities, to share a few ideas and maybe a few beers as well. It’s been
great fun and would surprise anyone who thinks that there isn’t a competitive streak in the voluntary sector.”


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Leo used his corporate fundraising skills to good effect, and managed to persuade Budweiser to provide 10 crates of beer for the occasion.

