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Oxfam raises £4.5 million in one week

Oxfam has received donations totalling £4.5 million in just one week in response to the earthquake floods in Asia.

The charity announced the figure to supporters via its email newsletter. “Thank you. You are amazing!” wrote Nick Roseveare,
Humanitarian Director, in the newsletter published today.

This figure is separate to the income Oxfam is receiving from the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal.


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Indeed, so great has the influx of donations been that Oxfam appealed on 1 January for 10,000 volunteers to help at its shops around the country. Chris Coe, Oxfam’s Trading Director said: “Shop managers and Area Managers are reporting huge donations of both cash and saleable items. Every Oxfam shop in every community only needs the extra help of 10 or 12 people for four hours a week to generate millions for Oxfam’s work every year.”

