The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Street fundraisers swop clipboards for buckets for tsunami appeal

Around 30 street fundraisers will be giving up their time and their clipboards to lend their weight to the Tsunami Appeal this Saturday.

The fundraisers, who work for several Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) member companies, will be joining forces to encourage passers-by in the Islington area of London to donate their small change. All the funds raised on the day will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal Fund to support victims of the tsunami.

Speaking on behalf of the fundraisers Sue Brumpton of the PFRA said: “Street fundraisers are extraordinary people and I am not surprised at the willingness they have shown to give their own time to collect cash for the appeal.


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“Placing coins in a bucket on Saturday is a great start but these people will need long term support. I would urge people to consider signing up to a longer term gift. Making a regular Direct Debit donation to any overseas development charity will see sustainable projects in put into place, speaking to a street fundraiser is just one way setting up this way of giving and donors can be sure that their gift is going straight to the charity of their choice.”

Street fundraisers do of course usually encourage passers by to support charities with a regular Direct Debit donation: they do not collect cash donations whilst working.

All of the fundraisers taking part in this collection will be working as volunteers representing the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC): they have been authorised both by the DEC and the Metropolitan Police to undertake the cash collection.

