Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Crusaid's Walk for Life gains 50% more walkers via bought media

HIV and AIDS charity Crusaid succeeded in increasing registration for its 2004 Walk for Life event by over 50% using new walker recruitment materials designed by direct marketing agency Burnett Works.

Walk for Life has been Crusaid’s flagship fundraising event for 15 years and, says the charity, is the largest event of its kind in Europe. However, Crusaid felt the promotional materials needed revamping as response rates were starting to fall.

It therefore asked Burnett Works to help it increase registrations by widening the appeal of the event to include new audiences and by improving the clarity and accessibility of the information.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The agency then focused on making key
messages easier to understand, and developed a series of new headlines, such as ‘I don’t get out of bed for less than 10K’.

Burnett Works produced a series of new inserts, direct response press advertisements, London Underground posters, display posters and take-one postcards. Despite using the same media spend as 2003, overall registrations increased by more than 50% in 2004, with the postcard achieving a 300% increase in response.

Nigel Seymour, senior fundraising and events manager at Crusaid, said: “The overall
impact of the campaign was phenomenal and resulted in new banker off-the-page adverts and inserts.”

