The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Rotary GB and Ireland raises £5 million for Asian tsunami disaster

Funds raised by Rotary Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland for the south Asian disaster survivors have reached £5 million.

Funds raised have been used immediately for Shelterboxes, Aquaboxes and Emergency boxes, in direct response to requests from Rotary Clubs in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and India. More than three thousand Aquaboxes and over eleven hundred Shelterboxes have been shipped to India and Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Maldives in the last two weeks to provide temporary homes and clean water for 20,000 victims of the Asian Tsunami.

Rotary has delivered its aid quickly because it works through its volunteer service club network at the grassroots level: Rotary has hundreds of clubs and thousands of members in the affected countries.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Hundreds of Rotary Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland have held collections in shopping centres, at motorway service stations and at sports stadiums. In Devon alone more than £300,000 has been raised.

