The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

UK Fundraising email newsletter helps secure 500 conference delegates in 2 weeks

UK Fundraising’s email newsletter has achieved a 4% response rate for an event organiser, and a repeat insertion of the advert has within hours already generated more than a 1% response.

UK Fundraising News, UK Fundraising’s fortnightly email newsletter, has demonstrated its effectiveness as an advertising tool to the considerable
satisfaction of its advertising client, Action Planning.

The fundraising consultancy has advertised its 14 April conference ‘Raising funds from
the Rich’
featuring some of Britain’s leading philanthropists and the author of the Sunday Times Rich List, in two successive issues of the newsletter. In the first week, over 350 recipients clicked on the
advert to download the event brochure, a 4% response rate. And these figures cover just those who received the HTML/graphical version of the newsletter, which is less than half of the 10,250 subscribers to the newsletter. So, it is possible that the total number of responses was nearer double that figure.


Within hours of the advert being republished in this week’s newsletter, 117
subscribers clicked through to download copies of the brochure, a 1% response rate at that point.

David Senior, Marketing Director at Action Planning, was impressed. “We are delighted with the response to our advert in your email newsletter”, he told UK Fundraising. “We already have some 500 delegates, even though the conference is not until 14 April. This ability to track results so quickly does make UK Fundraising one of our most successful marketing channels, so we certainly plan to use it again.”

Subscribe to the free UK Fundraising News, or find out about advertising opportunities.

