Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Guide Dogs for the Blind uses e-mail newsletter advert

Howard Lake | 24 July 1998 | News

Guide Dogs for the Blind is promoting a fundraising auction with an advert within a popular e-mail newsletter. Very few charities have paid attention to using third-party e-mail newsletters to promote their work, so GDBA should be praised for this activity.

The advert appeared in Free Pint on 9 July. The text used was:

Signed football shirts for auction! Every UK Premier and Nationwide
League team, including England, has donated signed shirts to The
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association in their ‘Put your Shirt on a
Dog’ promotion. Professionally framed, the shirts are being auctioned
through telephone bids to raise funds for the charity. Find more
information at under the ‘What’s new’ banner or by
telephoning: 0930 122 822. Lines are open until 18 July and winners
will receive their shirts at Wembley Stadium on 12 August.
(Registered Charity No: 209617)


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

