The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

UK Fundraising News email newsletter six years old

Howard Lake | 7 February 2006 | News

UK Fundraising’s free fortnightly email newsletter celebrates its sixth anniversary today.

The newsletter, now subscribed to by 11,600 fundraisers and related staff, has the most subscribers for a fundraising-related email newsletter in the UK.

Six years ago it was introduced to help fundraisers keep up to date with the large amount of new content that was being added on a daily basis throughout the site. Now that function has become even more valuable as the site continues to expand.


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Originally the newsletter was published in plain text, but it was subsequently expanded to appear in HTML format as well when it became clear that enough fundraisers both wished and were able to receive it in this format.

The newsletter is continuing to evolve. The next stage will be for its production to become more automated. To date, both versions of each edition are largely put together manually. A new system will shortly reduce the need for manual editing, and will offer subscribers the chance to receive daily alerts as well as fortnightly issues.

The newsletter has also proved a very effective advertising tool for a range of commercial and charity advertisers. It offers both the latest fundraising job adverts from UK Fundraising and display adverts ranging from new service launches to training events, conferences, web resources, books and consulting services. At least one advertiser is currently signed up for an 18 month run of adverts on the newsletter.

