The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Yes we scan: how about an app that reports brands’ support for causes?

John Thompson | 15 September 2014 | Blogs

QR code icon on a mobile phone screen -
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I’ve just read a fascinating article in The Economist about a new app called BuyPartisan that, via an iPhone’s camera, scans a product’s barcode and reports back to American consumers any political donations made by its manufacturers. For example, it turns out that “directors of Starbucks donated five times as much to Democrats as to Republicans; those of Apple gave 30 times as much.”

That got me thinking: how about an app that reports back on companies’ CSR activities and support for charitable causes?

The likes of Business in the Community and Cone Communications regularly demonstrate that consumers are positively influenced by being aware of a brand’s connection with causes.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

However, a recent CAF report stated that consumers are largely ignorant of such commitments, with only around a third of people thinking those in the FTSE 100 make donations to charity every year, when most of them actually do.

Despite that, only last year was DSC reported as being “horrified” by the paucity of corporate giving. Whilst some might call for a Harry Hill intervention, there could be an ‘appy’ ending in sight.

'Good things inside' on the outside of one of two shopping bags held by a man carrying a camera and walking beside a glass panel in a shopping centre - photo: Unsplash
Good things inside?

Yes we scan

Whilst I’d agree that many companies could do more, adding that I think fundraisers should be helping to persuade them to increase their levels of support, perhaps a little bit of modern tech could give consumers the power to influence corporate giving? With a quick scan, conscientious shoppers could find out the extent of a brand’s charitable support, its sustainability and be provided with  links to its charitable partners’ websites.  And then vote (even donate?) with their wallets.

As marketers strive to embed a sense of ‘purpose’ in the products they promote,  that extends beyond its constituent components and raw ingredients, I’m sure those with well established community credentials and solid brand ethics would welcome such an innovation. More importantly, it could also act as a catalyst for changing the behaviour and increasing the levels of community support from those yet to be enlightened.

Scanning at a shopping till with mobile phones - photo:
Yes we scan

But it’s consumers that arguably have the greatest direct influence on corporate giving and CSR, so an app such as this could  help promote the good whilst encouraging the bad and the ugly to do better.  Indeed, perhaps there will come a time when researchers ask a group of shoppers if they know anything about a brand’s charitable credentials the answer will be: Yes we scan.

John Thompson, director and consultant at Changing Business

