The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

5 examples of creative digital out of home advertising

Vicky Reeves | 3 July 2015 | Blogs

I’ve been following the evolution of DOOH as I am interested in joining up advertising with smart technology to make digital out of home advertising more impactful and more of an experience. So I did some research on this area.

First of all I found some stats (everyone loves stats!) on DOOH and some examples of social value of those DOOH that provoked engagement and interaction:

Outdoor advertising expenditure

Here are some DOOH campaigns which have captured my attention in tying up DOOH and technology across charity and commercial industries;


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

1. Pepsi Max #LiveForNow

Pepsi Max has used a bus shelter to advertise unbelievable moments that could happen Augmented Reality. I love this!

[YouTube video no longer available].

2. British Airways #lookup

Using GPRS, each time a BA plane flies over Trafalgar Square, London, the little boy on the screen gets up points to the plane in the sky and identifies it. The sky really has no limits!!


3. Amnesty (Germany)

When a passer-by looks at the poster directly, the facial recognition camera registers that people looking directly at the poster and the image changes into a photo of a couple looking happy. When the person looks away it shows the man abusing his partner.

[Video at no longer available].


4. Barncancer Fonden (Youth cancer charity Sweden)

This emotional DOOH campaign tells of how a young woman is affected by cancer, when the tube arrives, there is a camera that recognises the train and the wind blows her hair and then it flies off. Very powerful.


5. Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe

This innovative concept is very similar to Barncancer Fonden in the sense of the activity, but this time the technology behind the screens is a microphone which activates the digital advert when it registers a pre-set decibel.

[Video no longer available].

I hope you have found these examples interesting, please do share with me if you have come across any too! And if you are looking to do something interesting in this space and want ideas or input, please do get in touch!
Vicky Reeves is Deputy Managing Director at WPN Chameleon , where a highly talented team of 55 people operates across all areas of digital, direct marketing and DRTV. We work with a wide range of charities and commercial organisations.

