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Reviews seek feedback on Gift Aid benefits and direct marketing

Howard Lake | 15 September 2015 | News

Two public consultations on issues of direct relevance to fundraisers are closing soon. They cover Gift Aid benefits and direct marketing and consent.

Direct marketing and consent

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has not updated its guidance on third party consent and buying and selling of personal data for two years. Given the media coverage alleging misuse of personal data by some charities, it is taking the opportunity to seek feedback on how useful its guidance is when complying with the law.
Its short online survey is open to anyone who takes part in direct marketing. The closing date for submissions is 18 September 2015.
The ICO is the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

Simplifying the Gift Aid donor benefit rules

HM Treasury is inviting submissions of evidence to help it simplify and improve the existing Gift Aid Donor Benefit rules. It is part of “the government’s commitment to maximise the amount of Gift Aid claimed on eligible donations”.
The existing donor benefit rules cover benefits such as  memorabilia, special rates, priority booking facilities, and invitations to social events.
The call for evidence is designed to “help the government to understand exactly how the current rules are understood and applied, what – if any – barriers and problems they present for the charities sector, and how they might be improved”. The deadline for responses is 9 October 2015.
HM Treasury invites respondents to submit anonymised data to support their response. This can be in whatever format is most convenient for the contributor, but the Treasury has also produced a downloadable template for data submissions for those that need it.
Photo: Thumbs up thumbs down – Amphaiwan on Shutterstock.com


