The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

EFA report reveals Europe-wide optimism in voluntary income growth

Fundraising associations across Europe are optimistic about voluntary income growth, according to research from the European Fundraising Association (EFA).
The report, Fundraising in Europe 2015, questioned fundraising associations in 16 European countries, The majority of the associations surveyed reported that voluntary income rose (eight) or remained stable (six) from 2013 to 2014, with nine nations anticipating further growth for 2015.
In addition, for the first time the EFA has collated voluntary income data from thirteen European nations, which indicates that voluntary income is worth an estimated €40 billion euros annually across these countries. The figures also indicate that the UK, Germany and Italy raise the largest amounts, with their voluntary income reported at €17 billion, €8 billion and €4 billion respectively.
New fundraising techniques, developments in technology, and the use of social media are the factors that fundraising associations attribute to having had the most positive influence on charity fundraising over the past year, followed by higher standards of fundraising.
The majority of European nations reported that public trust and confidence is largely stable, with four nations indicating a fall from 2013 to 2014 while only one thought trust had risen. Public trust in charities was identified as the top area of concern, with references to both charity scandals and other national events as likely contributing factors.
The most negative factor to have affected fundraising from 2013 to 2014 seems to have been the implementation of the new Single Euro Payments Area regulations, with six European nations identifying difficulties in implementing and adapting to the new scheme.
Many nations also report a reduction to some funding channels, despite all sixteen associations surveyed saying that charities in their nation are facing increasing demand for charitable services.
Günther Lutschinger, president of the European Fundraising Association and CEO of Fundraising Verband Austria said:

For the second year in a row, the majority of nations anticipate further growth in voluntary income for the year ahead. At the same time, there is widespread recognition that the sector cannot take its treasured position of public trust for granted. To protect that trust, charities have to work hard to build public understanding not only of their services, but of the way that they operate.”


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