The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Big Lottery Fund grants £493k to Early Action Task Force

The Big Lottery Fund has awarded £493,720 to an Early Action Task Force project that focuses on preventing future social issues.
The project will build on an earlier phase of work, which aims to encourage charities, funders, and public sector bodies to give greater prominence to preventative services and activities.
The project will focus on local implementation of early action approaches across the UK, and will also include bespoke support for public commissioners, such as local authorities, health and wellbeing boards and police and crime commissioners, based on areas of greatest challenge.
The Task Force will also share learning by developing further its network of practitioners, with a particular focus on Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and by using case studies, events, speaking and training opportunities to reach new audiences.
The new funding builds on an earlier £390,000 grant given to the Early Action Task Force by the Big Lottery Fund over the last three years.
David Robinson, senior adviser at Community Links and chair of the Early Action Task Force said:

“Most people agree that prevention is a good idea. The Task Force has been analysing the obstacles and developing practical ideas for building a different kind of society – one that prevents problems from occurring rather than one that copes with the consequences. This grant is a vital boost to our work driving further development and expansion over the next three years.”



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