Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Oblatoo search engine offers 1p for charity for every search

Howard Lake | 18 September 2006 | News

Oblatoo search engine

Oblatoo is a new search engine which is offering to donate 1p for every search it generates using Google search results.

Oblatoo, derived from the word “oblation”, meaning a charitable offering or gift, has been set up as a not-for-profit company. Launched in January 2006 and improved last month when it teamed up with Google to provide its search results, Oblatoo aims to generate £1 million for charities, although at this early stage it has generated just over £700.Oblatoo is a new search engine which is offering to donate 1p for every search it generates using Google search results.

Charities signed up to benefit include Shelter, Teenage Cancer Trust, Oxfam, Christian Aid, UNICEF and Water Aid.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Oblatoo is offering a downloadable toolbar to help make it easier for users to use its search engine.

SEE ALSO: New search engine Everyclick to donate 50% to charity (3 June 2005)

It includes a current list of income for each charity. The Teenage Cancer Trust is currently far in the lead of other charities, generating 40% of the total income, worth £279.91.

The site was set up by Nottingham University graduate Tim Fouracre and Andrew Dodson who, according to student publication ‘Impact magazine’, “realised that the Internet search engine is a powerful money-spinning machine that could be redirected to suit better purposes.”

More on charities and search engines

