The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Event on effective web analytics for charities announced

Howard Lake | 2 November 2006 | News

The Analysis in Fundraising special interest group of the Institute of Fundraising is to hold an evening meeting on ‘effective web analytics’ for charities on 28 November 2006 at Cancer Research UK’s Lincoln’s Inn Fields headquarters in London.

The event will look at what are the essential analytical measures for a charity’s website, and what counts most in analysing effective website performance.

Jason Potts of THINK Consulting, a leading practitioner in charity digital marketing, will give his views and guidelines for measuring what REALLY matters. This will be followed by a panel session with other digital marketing experts from IT, analysis, marketing and fundraising.


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The event will cover:

– KPIs (key performance indicators)

– Ranges of KPIs you can expect

– Skills needed for DIY web analytics

– Types of measurement

– Pathways, obstacles and opportunities

– Benchmarking, trends and drivers

The event costs £10 for Institute of Fundraising members, and £15 non-members, payable in advance.

To reserve a place Stuart McCoy who will reserve your place(s), invoice you and send directions. Quote your Institute of Fundraising membership number if appropriate.

The event will run from 17.00 – 19.30.

