The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

2016 sees rise in social awareness, says CAF research

People are more inclined to volunteer and have become more politically and socially aware since the beginning of 2016, according to new CAF research.
The Charities Aid Foundation’s research looks into how people feel about their community and society in the aftermath of the EU referendum, and finds that 18% of people feel more inclined to volunteer now than they did at the beginning of 2016, while 30% say they have become more active in a social or political cause. CAF suggests that these increases in social and political awareness have been driven by the Brexit vote.
According to the research, which included a YouGov poll of 1,002 people:

CAF has published a report including the findings, A Stronger Britain, which sets out its recommendations for how charities can help tackle social divides, embrace the growing public appetite for social activism and support government in developing Brexit policy.
CAF chief executive John Low said:
“The way people feel about the country and about their community has changed significantly in the past few months. At this critical moment in our country’s history, charities have a crucial role to play in developing a better society and building Britain’s new place on the global stage. Huge numbers of people have been motivated to become more socially and politically active. For many, charities offer an opportunity for them to channel this enthusiasm to make a real difference.”



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