The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Government boosts Grow Your Tenner campaign by £245,000

Melanie May | 6 October 2016 | News

The Office for Civil Society has contributed £245,000 to this month’s Localgiving Grow Your Tenner match funding campaign.
This brings the current total amount of match funding available to £345,000, with Localgiving is seeking more match funding before the campaign’s launch on 18th October.
Grow Your Tenner 2016 will run from 10am on the 18th October until the match fund runs out, or 5pm on the 17th November – whichever comes first. During the campaign one time donations made to local charities via Localgiving will be matched by up to £10; as will Direct Debits by up to £10 a month for the first three months. Up to £2,500 of match funding will be available for each participating local charity or community group, matching public donations.
In the run-up to the campaign, Localgiving is running a webinar on 11th October on how to attract regular givers, looking at:

It will also include a live Q&A session with one of Localgivng’s members of staff, and attendees will receive free first year Localgiving membership.
Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson, said:

“The energy, commitment and expertise of local charities and community groups make a huge difference to the lives of countless people around the country. This is why we have added funds to this campaign and will host a ‘Local Charities Day’ later in the year to celebrate and strengthen the invaluable work they do. I encourage other donors to add to this fund and help local charities get the support they need now and in the long term.”


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