Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Pure and TW CAT combine to counter postal strike

Direct marketing agency TW CAT and creative telephone agency Pure Associates have developed a combined contingency plan should the Communications Workers Union go on strike and bring Royal Mail to a standstill.

The two agencies are ready to offer charities alternative methods of receiving donations and communicating with donors, should the flow of direct mail and postal donations be interrupted.

TW CAT Chief Executive Alastair Irons said: “Given charities’ dependency on the postal service, it’s essential that plans are in place should a strike occur, not only to retain income but also to keep channels of communication working.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

“It’s not just about maintaining the flow of donations but keeping all the stakeholders informed, especially supporters, including rafflers, eventers, regular givers, donors, trusts – everybody.

“Of course I hope it doesn’t come down to it but at least if there is a strike we can respond to charities needs – a stitch in time and all that.”

Pure Strategy & Development Director Jon Eserin added: “Whether an appeal has already been mailed or not, charities may want to do outbound work to contact donors to ask them to give by phone rather than have cheques delayed or even lost in the post.

“Equally they may choose to offer an inbound telephone giving option in press or inserts rather than drive response via mail so we need to have plans in place to manage that – even if it’s just doing the look-ups now, checking databases and lists against the relevant suppression files and examining just what is possible.”

