Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Digital transformation and data compliance featured at IoF Technology conference

The three keynote speakers at next month’s Institute of Fundraising’s Technology Conference will address the key issues of data compliance, digital transformation and crowdfunding.
The one-day annual conference takes place on 12 May in London. It is organised by the IoF Technology Group, a voluntary special interest group of the Institute of Fundraising.

Keynote speakers

The keynote speakers are:


Three streams

The event also features 12 sessions across three streams:

Speakers from Christian Aid, Save the Children UK, Alzheimer’s Society and other charities will showcase recent projects. Independent experts like Protecture’s Gary Shipsey and FPM Dingo’s Dawn Varley will also offer advice.
The IoF Technology conference takes place at America Square, near Tower Hill in London. It is open to IoF members and non-members.


