Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

UK Fundraising announces new series of Perfect Pitches

UK Fundraising is to hold four new Perfect Pitch events over the next eight months, covering new media and innovative fundraising, Gift Aid, IT, and direct marketing. There is no charge to delegates to attend the half-day events in London, which offer a showcase of leading suppliers and agencies.

The four new events are the latest in the innovative series of events launched by UK Fundraising in June 2005. Fundraisers, senior charity staff and fundraising industry staff are invited to hear up to six experts and service providers ‘pitch’ their services and expertise.

Confirmed speakers already include and Blackbaud, with the latter presenting at two events.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Presenters speak for up to 25 minutes and can then be questioned by delegates for up to five minutes. Of course, delegates can also talk to the presenters during the tea-break and post-event buffet lunch and wine reception: presenters get stands at which they may also demonstrate their services.

The intention of the events is to present some of the wide range of service providers that exist to help fundraisers become more effective and ultimately to raise more money.

This year UK Fundraising have introduced a new facility at the events, namely a one-to-one meeting with one of the presenters at the close of the event. These meetings, which are available on a first-come first-served basis, are designed to enable delegates to discuss potential business partnerships with the presenters, and in more detail than is possible in a busy coffee break.

The four Perfect Pitches will be held in Central London, at a venue to be confirmed. They are:

3 Oct 2007: New Media and Innovative Fundraising

20 Nov 2007: Gift Aid

29 Jan 2008: IT

22 Apr 2008: Direct Marketing

Organisations interested in presenting should contact Gary King on 0845 094 80 33.

Registration for all four events is now open.

