The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Mental Health Foundation's Chief Executive will run half marathon

Howard Lake | 28 August 2007 | News

On 30 September, Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation, will join 25 other runners in the BUPA Great North Run to raise money for the charity.

Andrew, who for the past five years has managed the organisation, said:

Taking on the renovation and development of the Foundation was a challenge, but the Great North Run feels much more daunting. I decided to take part for a number of reasons. I want to do it for the 50 people with whom I work, and to be a good role model to my two young children.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Andrew has worked in the voluntary sector for over ten years. He was formerly a senior civil servant in the Department of Health for 16 years responsible for mental health and learning disabilities policy from 1992 to 1996.

To help Andrew reach his £2,500 target or to read his weekly blog, visit

