Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Cascaid merges with Ideas Eurobrand to form new agency

Howard Lake | 22 October 2007 | News

Charity specialist Cascaid has merged with ethical consumer specialist Ideas Eurobrand to create a new agency.

To be called The Good Agency, it aims to “tap into the enormous growth of the ethical consumer marketplace and the close correlation between ethical consumer behaviour and charitable giving and activism.” It will also bring Cascaid into partnership with digital marketing specialist TwentyFirst Century Communications, the sister company of Ideas.

Alan Clayton of Cascaid explained: “There are now hundreds of ways a consumer can do a good thing. Making a charitable donation, volunteering and campaigning are now choices the consumer makes along with purchasing organic or fairtrade food, taking an eco-ethical holiday or switching to green transport and cutting carbon emissions.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

“We have long known that the boundaries between the charity and ethical consumer marketplaces have been blurring and ethical consumerism bridges the gap between giving and activism. In deciding on ethical tourism, for instance, the consumer isn’t just buying a product – they have decided to take action to make the world a better place.”

He said the new agency would give clients access to “these new, ethical, growing and lucrative marketplaces”.

The combination of the three agencies forms a new London-based agency supporting a staff of over 100. The combined client list includes charities such as the RSPB, NSPCC, Greenpeace, Cancer Research UK, WSPA and Arthritis Care.

Cascaid will operate as a branded division of the new agency and will remain a charity specialist. MD Alan Clayton and director of strategy and planning Roger Lawson will continue to head up the agency and there will be no change to personnel working on existing client accounts.

