Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Facebook Pages offers new ways to engage with supporters

Howard Lake | 14 November 2007 | Blogs


You might remember my post a month or so ago about Facebook cancelling the account of the US National Wildlife Federation’s ‘Ranger Rick’ because he wasn’t a real person and organisations aren’t allowed to have Facebook profiles.
Well, with the launch of Facebook Pages last week, any organisation or brand (commercial or nonprofit) can now promote themselves through a page – complete with a wall, photos, discussion groups, the works.
In traditional Facebook style, when supporters interact with your page their actions generate news feed items which, in turn, help spread the word of how they’ve been engaging with your cause to all of their friends.
Already a range of nonprofits have set-up pages, including UNICEF, Defenders of Wildlife, The American Cancer Society – and, of course, the National Wildlife Federation.
Anyone out there doing anything interesting to engage supporters through their Facebook Page – do let me know.
If you’re not already looking into it, and you have supporters you believe are likely to be interacting through Facebook – then do go and take a look at what new opportunities Facebook Pages offers you to engage with them.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

