The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

How to use this service

Howard Lake | 22 March 2006 | Newswire

UK Fundraising’s newswire service enables PR staff to publish their news releases about fundraising here for UK Fundraising’s readers. The top five headlines also appear on the front page of UK Fundraising.
This service is available to:

News items must be directly relevant to charity/nonprofit fundraisers in the UK.
News releases can be cut and pasted into this service and will then be added live into the UK Fundraising Newswire. These then become available to others instantly via our RSS feed service, are added to blog search engines such as and Google, and can be pulled in by other sites wishing to publish our ‘feed’.
You can add text, web/email links, graphics and other files. You can even set stories to go live at a future date/time. You can edit or even delete news items that you have added.
If you can, avoid cutting and pasting from a Microsoft Word document as this can insert coding that produces unsightly results. Instead, cut and paste in plain text format. If you make a mistake, don’t worry – you can edit your news items and make sure they look correct before setting them live.
When adding a news release feel free to categorise it, using our tick-box list of categories, to help users locate information easily.
The service will be free for charity PR staff, whether paid or unpaid, but we reserve the right to charge PR agencies to use the service. After all, you will be getting your clients’ news items straight onto UK Fundraising, whether or not we feature them as news items on the front page – a service worth paying for. All users will be notified of when fees will be levied: meanwhile the service is available at no charge.
To try it out and start posting news releases now simply register. You will be able to post as soon as your registration has been approved. This can take minutes or sometimes up to a day. We’ll let you know when you have been approved.
If you’re already registered post a news release now.
To be clear, this isn’t a replacement to the traditional front-page news service that UK Fundraising publishes. So, do continue emailing your fundraising news releases to Howard Lake and we’ll feature them if we can. But at the same time, use this tool as well to ensure your news release at least gets added to the site.
UK Fundraising reserves the right to refuse or delete registrations and to delete non-fundraising-related news items, or indeed any post it deems inappropriate for this service.
For details contact Howard Lake on 01206 579081 or complete the following form:
NB: do not post news releases using this form. It is for enquiries only


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