Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

IoF to carry out fundraising skills audit in N Ireland

The Northern Ireland Committee of the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) has received funding to undertake research into fundraising skills in Northern Ireland.
The IoF said there is a knowledge gap regarding the scale and impact of “fundraising skills” in Northern Ireland and little is known about the number or calibre of people involved in fundraising.
The aim of the research is to gain knowledge to better inform future planning and investment within the fundraising sector in Northern Ireland and highlight how best the IoF could best use their committee talent, expertise and limited financial resources to mutual advantage.
IoF received support from Northern Ireland Environment Link (NIEL) and management consultancy PACEC, formerly RSM McClure Watters, to carry out the research.
The Heritage Lottery Fund awarded NIEL a further £115,250 in 2016 under its Catalyst Umbrella Programme to extend its fundraising capacity building and training programme for the “heritage” and “environment” sector in Northern Ireland until Spring 2018.
The programme has been designed to develop and enhance organisational and individual skills, knowledge and experience in “new” funding source identification and “new” fundraising techniques.
The programme is delivering fundraising training and support across a range of topics and practice including:




Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

