Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Average age of UK Internet users rises to 37.9

Howard Lake | 4 January 2008 | Blogs

The average age UK Internet users has risen from 35.7 to 37.9 years in the year from October 2006-2007, according to Nielsen Online.
At the same time, the share of the UK Internet population made up by under 25 year-olds has decreased from 29% to 25%, while the share of 55+ year-olds increased from 16% to 19%.
The brands that attracted the oldest average Internet users included Marks & Spencer, The National Lottery, John Lewis, BT, Nationwide, Ciao!, and Friends Reunited, with average ages ranging from 46.5 down to 43.8 years.
The figures come from NetView, the Nielsen Online panel of around 45,000 UK Internet users who have opted in to download a meter which records all their PC, online and application usage on a continual and ongoing basis.
Is that figure good for fundraisers? Not if they’re after the elusive younger donor and not if they’re after legacy prospects, but prospective donors in their late 30s must surely be attractive to a good number of charities?

