Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

uberGIVING hits UK cities in support of Cancer Research UK

This weekend saw Uber hit the streets in ten cities UK-wide to pick up donations for Cancer Research UK, as well as its usual customers.
uberGIVING took place on 2 June in London (Zones 1 and 2), Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Merseyside, Bristol, Brighton, Cardiff, Glasgow, and Edinburgh. Uber asked people to bag up any items they wanted to donate to Cancer Research UK, and then on Saturday 2 June, to open up the Uber app, tap the uberGIVING in-app card and request a free pick-up to a Cancer Research UK shop.

According to Uber, some of the items collected included a guitar, a Nintendo 64, circus stilts, a replica jet, three TVs, and a commercial insect catcher, with demand leading the company to extend the exercise in London for a second day on Sunday 3 June.
This is not the first time Uber has picked up charity donations for free. In 2015, it supported Save the Children’s Child Refugee Crisis Appeal with an UberGIVING campaign that saw it partner with charities in 20 European countries in response to the refugee crisis. Following this, for Christmas 2016 uberGIVING took place in 83 cities across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, partnering with a different local charity in each country, including Age UK.



