Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

iRaiser sees €14m donated in 48 hours for Notre Dame through official sites

Melanie May | 18 April 2019 | News

Donations to three of the four non-profits involved in the restoration of Notre Dame have reached over €14 million in little over 48 hours with €20 million raised in total so far from more than 150,000 individuals worldwide, according to figures from iRaiser.
iRaiser, which was founded in France, created the emergency fundraising pages for Centre des Monuments Nationaux, Fondation du Patrimoine and Fondation De France in one hour following news of the fire.
Through these pages, it has seen peaks of 15,000 simultaneous donations, with an average donation of €100 and contributions coming from across Europe, the US and beyond. Major individual donations have also been recorded including one for €50,000 from an individual in the US.
One hundred percent of donations made to these organisations through these sites created by iRaiser will go directly to the restoration. iRaiser is urging people to donate only through official sites to ensure funds get to the Notre Dame.
Antoine Martel, CEO of iRaiser Group, said:

“We were all deeply shocked by the fire but have been heartened by how people have come together and made very generous donations to help restore Notre-Dame.
“Donations have been flooding in across Europe, but we’re aware that there are a lot of well-meaning people setting up their own fundraising pages. I would urge people where possible to focus on the four organisations linked directly to Notre-Dame to ensure that all their money goes directly to the restoration.”



Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.


