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Charity workers celebrated in new Top Trumps pack

Melanie May | 4 May 2020 | News

Two new editions of Top Trumps launch today, celebrating Covid-19 key workers and hospitals, and raising funds through sales for NHS charities.
The packs are: Britain at its Best: Key Workers, and Britain at its Best: Hospitals. The first features key and essential workers on the frontline during the pandemic, including doctors, nurses, care workers and charity workers as well as less high-profile professions such as pest controllers and sea merchants. Politicians, depicted on the Top Trumps card by Boris Johnson, and journalists are included too.

In total there are 30 different professions, each marked across four separate scoring categories:

  1. Unsung Heroes: In the pack Top Trumps explains: “All our key workers are heroes, but some jobs are often less praised. We want to make sure key workers are given the praise they deserve”.
  2. Street Style:  Top Trumps explains: “Neon is in! This section assesses the gear and garb a key and essential worker wears”.
  3. Gadgets & Gizmos:  “What equipment the worker uses and carries to do their job.”
  4. Originated:  “The year in which profession was established (or in the case of religious and spiritual workers the estimated year: 50,000 BC).”

The ‘Unsung Heroes’ category sees the partners of key workers come out top with a maximum 10 out of 10. Binmen and binwomen scored a point lower at nine out of ten. Less unsung heroes like doctors (8), nurses (8) and police (7) fare lower. Charity workers also score an 7.
Claire Simon, Global Marketing Manager at Top Trumps, said:

“Every single front-line key worker is, of course, a heroine and hero and would each score 10 (or even 11) out of 10 by any reckoning if we had devised a Hero category. By creating an Unsung Heroes category we have ensured varying marks, in keeping with the game’s core classic branding.”
“From our research, which has been conducted over the six weeks, partners of key workers came out top in this section. There are an estimated one and a half million partners of key workers in Britain so that’s a lot of Unsung Heroes and Heroines.
“Many of the public we spoke to pointed out that partners too are putting their lives on the line, albeit less directly. As well as being there physically they are providing
“We are sure that this new edition of Top Trumps can lift spirits in this very challenging and unprecedented period of time, as well as raising money for the NHS, with all net proceeds going direct to the NHS.”


The Top Trumps Britain at its Best: Hospitals pack features 30 UK Hospitals from Britain’s oldest (Barts – 1123) to one of its very newest (Nightingale, London – 2020). The four scoring categories are: Year Opened, No. of beds, Fame, and Rainbow Rating. Highest in the Rainbow Rating section is Great Ormond Street Hospital, which has a rainbow theme throughout.

The packs are £5 each, including postage and packaging, and are available as a dual pack online with £1.50 from each sale going to NHS charities


