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Charities urged to boycott Royal Mail’s FREEPOST service

Howard Lake | 25 June 2008 | News

FREEPOST with the 'FREE' scribbled out in red ink, leaving 'POST'
FREEPOST not free?

Annoyed that some charities are still being charged by Royal Mail for FREEPOST envelopes returned to them with a stamp by supporters, Gareth Edwards of Company Solutions is encouraging charities to boycott the FREEPOST service.
Third Sector magazine reported two weeks ago that Stamps on Freepost letters are no guarantee of savings and that “The Royal Mail is often being paid twice for letters posted back to charities by supporters.”
Royal Mail’s sorting system can not detect FREEPOST letters that have been stamped. Charities telling their supporters that if they use a stamp on the envelope it will save the charity money are therefore unintentionally misleading their supporters.
Edwards is encouraging charities to change the wording on their response envelopes to “Please use a stamp – we no longer use FREEPOST as Royal Mail now charge all good causes EVEN when you put a stamp on the envelope – support charities who Boycott Freepost until Royal Mail treat charities fairly.”
He is urging charity supporters to write to their MP to ask for the problem to be resolved.

