The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Survey published on N Ireland charitable giving

The Northern Ireland Giving Survey 2008 has been published by the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action and shows that 91% of individuals made a charitable donation in the last year.
The figures however provide a mixed message for fundraisers, with evidence of some decline since 2005 and a reliance on income for religious causes to boost the overall figures. The survey was carried out in November 2007.
The average donation made is £22.69 per month when religious causes are included but drops to an average of £14.22 in cash donations when churches are excluded.
The survey found that cash donations are the most popular form of giving while 39% of donors use some form of planned giving. Over 70% of eligible donations are not gift aided leading to a loss of £48 million to the charitable sector. Churches appear to be most efficient at reclaiming gift aid.
The figures for internet giving are still very low with only 0.6% making donations in that way.
Females are more likely to give than men, with 45-64 year olds most likely to give. There is no significant difference in giving between Catholics and Protestants except the latter give a higher average donation.
The survey was carried out before the recession but with 54% stating that the amount of money they give to charity is determined by the levels of disposable income there may be some impact in the future.

