Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Abbey invites applications to be its Charity of the Year

Howard Lake | 18 May 2009 | News

Financial services company Abbey is inviting UK charities to apply to becomes its Charity of the Year for 2010.

Abbey’s first charity of the year was Great Ormond Street Hospital in 2008, and it raised over £141,000 for it. The 2009 charity is Help the Hospices and the company expects to beat its £100,000 target.

Abbey has over 1,300 branches and nine key locations across the UK. Sheralee Morris, its Community Relations Manager, said: “With two consecutive years of brilliant volunteering and fundraising initiatives with Abbey staff, we’re keen to continue this commitment for another worthy cause. Abbey employs over 24,000 employees across the UK so there is real scope to exceed all targets and make it our most successful partnership to date.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

For the Charity of the Year initiative, Abbey will contribute to a specific project or projects and drive awareness of the project and charity partnership. In the past, Abbey has provided a playroom, a three-year arts programme and a helpline.

The closing date for applications is 30 June 2009.

