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DCMS names NZ Privacy Commissioner as preferred nominee for next Information Commissioner

Melanie May | 26 August 2021 | News

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DCMS has announced the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner John Edwards is its preferred nominee for the next Information Commissioner, to replace Elizabeth Denham.

In January this year, Denham agreed to extend her role until 31 October to allow more time to find a suitable successor. 2021 marks the end of her five year term as Information Commissioner.

John Edwards was appointed as New Zealand Privacy Commissioner in February 2014, and is currently serving his second five year term. Prior to his appointment, he practiced law for over 20 years, specialising in information law. He has also acted in legal roles for the Ministry of Health, State Services Commission, Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet and Inland Revenue Department. In addition, for 15 years, he held a warrant as a district inspector for mental health and has also been a district inspector for intellectual disability services.


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Edwards’s appointment as Information Commissioner is subject to approval by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, followed by approval by HM the Queen.

Digital Secretary Oliver Dowden said:

“Now that we have left the EU I’m determined to seize the opportunity by developing a world-leading data policy that will deliver a Brexit dividend for individuals and businesses across the UK.


“That means seeking exciting new international data partnerships with some of the world’s fastest growing economies, for the benefit of British firms and British customers alike.


“It means reforming our own data laws so that they’re based on common sense, not box-ticking. And it means having the leadership in place at the Information Commissioner’s Office to pursue a new era of data-driven growth and innovation. John Edwards’s vast experience makes him the ideal candidate to ensure data is used responsibly to achieve those goals.”

On being nominated, Edwards said:

“It is a great honour and responsibility to be considered for appointment to this key role as a watchdog for the information rights of the people of the United Kingdom.


“There is a great opportunity to build on the wonderful work already done and I look forward to the challenge of steering the organisation and the British economy into a position of international leadership in the safe and trusted use of data for the benefit of all.”

Response from the current Information Commissioner

Elizabeth Denham has issued a statement, welcoming the news, saying:

“Data driven innovation stands to bring enormous benefits to the UK economy and to our society, but the digital opportunity before us today will only be realised where people continue to trust their data will be used fairly and transparently, both here in the UK and when shared overseas.


“My office has supported valuable innovation while encouraging public trust in data use, particularly during the pandemic. We stand ready to provide our expert advice and insight as part of any future government consultation.


“Implementing any changes Parliament decides on will fall to my successor, who will take on a role that has never been more important or more relevant to people’s lives. John Edwards would bring extraordinary breadth, international leadership and credibility to this role. He will receive the support of a modern, independent ICO that has the courage, resources and expertise to make a positive difference to people’s lives.”

