The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Raise It!

The Reluctant Fundraiser’s Guide to Raising Money Without Selling Your Soul

Cindy Wagman smiling as she holds her new book Raise It
Cindy Wagman with Raise It!

You have big dreams. Not for you, but for your community. Your “cause.” You have a purpose and are on a mission to change the world. Everyone you share your big vision with loves it. But something happens when it comes time to raise money.

You start feeling all the emotions . . . fear, panic, nervousness, even guilt.

Who will contribute to this cause?

How can I ask them for donations?

I don’t want to sound like a sleazy salesperson or feel icky as I fundraise.

Cover of Cindy Wagman's book Raise It

If these thoughts have crossed your mind, then Raise It! The Reluctant Fundraiser’s Guide to Raising Money Without Selling Your Soul is for you.

You cannot be reluctant to fundraise. Your mission and the impact it is meant to have needs resources to make it happen. When good people come together and are driven by purpose, incredible things happen. You don’t need to sell your soul to raise money for a great cause. Period.

Let Cindy Wagman teach you how to navigate fundraising so you can build a purposeful and impactful nonprofit with confidence, ease, and heart.

Cindy says:

“I’m sure you, like me, have witnessed the challenges organisations face in trying to get “non-fundraisers” to fundraise. Whether it’s the ED, board, or accidental fundraisers, most people in our sector are reluctant to fundraise. Yet, organisations can’t grow or meet their mission without fundraising. Fundraising education is not geared to these individuals – until now.


“In my new book, Raise It! The Reluctant Fundraiser’s Guide to Raising Money Without Selling Their Soul, I walk reluctant fundraisers through practical and meaningful steps to turn into their organisation’s best fundraising asset!”

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Listen to Cindy

For an except from Raise It! listen to Cindy on The Small Nonprofit podcast.

Buy the book in print, audio or e-book formats.

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