The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Nearly half of UK population have donated to Haiti disaster appeal, say CAF

Nearly half the UK (48%) population have already donated to the Haiti disaster appeal, according to research carried out over the weekend for the Charities Aid Foundation.
Of those who have not yet given, nearly two thirds (62%) say they might, or plan to in the future.
The survey of over 1,000 adults was undertaken on behalf of the Charities Aid Foundation by GfK NOP. It found that more women (55%) said they had given than men (45%).
John Low, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation said: “The response from the UK public continues to be phenomenal. Over £46 million has already been given to the appeal. This shows what a generous nation we are.
“I urge those who are considering donating to do so now because funds are still urgently needed and if you tick the Gift Aid box every pound donated is boosted by 28p.”
Brendan Gormley, Chief Executive of the Disasters Emergency Committees, described the response to the appeal as “extraordinary”.

