Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

After Adoption Celebrates its 20th Birthday by Launching '£20K for 2010'

Howard Lake | 27 January 2010 | Newswire

To celebrate its 20th birthday After Adoption has created a 20,000 pixel page, with each pixel for sale to businesses and individuals to help the charity raise £20,000 towards its work with children and adults affected by adoption.

Taking inspiration from ‘The Million Dollar Homepage’ founder, Alex Tew, After Adoption has created ‘£20K for 2010’ so that for just £1 people are able to purchase a pixel and upload an image of their choice to become part of the page. The charity aims to raise £20,000 through the pixel page and has also announced an exciting calendar of supporting events throughout 2010, ranging from runs, wine tastings and family days, including the UK’s first ever convention for adopted people.

Since its foundation in 1990, the charity has responded to over 100,000 requests for help from people who have been affected by adoption, set up a family finding service – Families that Last – which has found families for over 100 children, as well as offering the only national helpline to young people affected by adoption.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Chief Executive of After Adoption Lynn Charlton says: “We have achieved so much in the past 20 years; growing from a small team operating out of a windowless office in Manchester to a team of over 100 staff and volunteers who provide services throughout England and Wales.

“Our services are now available to a growing number of people throughout the UK, with our strong presence in England and Wales constantly expanding to help us support as many people affected by adoption as possible.”

After Adoption will also be asking celebrities and high profile figures from the adoption field ‘20 quick-fire questions’ on adoption, which will be featured on its website throughout the year.

Lynn adds: “We wanted our anniversary celebrations to include as many people as possible and with the number and variety of events planned, we hope that everyone who would like to be involved will help us celebrate our success and look to an even more successful 20 years to come.”

In addition to the planned calendar of events, After Adoption is looking for volunteers to join the organisation in its birthday year to become a community fundraising champion in their region, raising all important funds and awareness for the charity.

For more information on After Adoption’s birthday celebrations or to buy a pixel to help support ‘£20K for 2010’ visit


About After Adoption

After Adoption was founded in Manchester in 1990, and since this time has answered over 40,000 requests for help.

Now one of the leading adoption charities, After Adoption finds families for children who are considered difficult to place and works with adopted children and adults, adoptive families and birth relatives to provide support, information and advice.

After Adoption’s purpose is to improve the lives of the one in four people in the UK who have an adoption connection. It also runs the only UK-wide helpline for young people that focuses specifically on adoption.

The charity works in the North West and North East of England, London and the South East, and throughout Wales.

2010 sees After Adoption celebrate its 20th birthday with a series of different events, including the Wales convention, AGM and a series of sponsored events. Visit for more information.

The After Adoption free helpline – 0800 0 568 578 – is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (9-6pm), Tuesday (9-8pm) and Friday (9-4pm).

For More Information please contact –

Sarah Nurton
After Adoption
[contact details deleted]

