The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Expanding Dormant Assets Scheme could provide catalyst for growing community philanthropy

Melanie May | 29 September 2022 | News

A Place for Philanthropy report cover

Expanding the Dormant Assets Scheme could be the catalyst for growing community philanthropy in the UK, according to a new report by UK Community Foundations.

The report, ‘A place for philanthropy: the role of local giving in addressing regional inequality and building community resilience’, looks at the work of the UK’s 47 community foundations through the lens of the Levelling Up agenda. It explains how community philanthropy plays an important role in tackling regional inequality and looks at some of the ways it can be grown to help build the resilience of communities.

It points to an expansion of the Dormant Assets Scheme as a “once in a generation opportunity to leverage the value of community philanthropy and provide funding which empowers local people to change their places for the better”.


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The report continues:

“The funding yet to be allocated from the Dormant Assets Scheme could be the catalyst to help build a sustainable financial asset base for communities across the country.

“By providing the fiscal stimulus to help incentivise community philanthropy, the Government could help ensure that dormant assets money continues to support a broad range of good causes now, and in the long term.”

It says that if tried and tested mechanisms like match funding and community endowment building are utilised, there is an opportunity for dormant assets money to multiply both in value and in terms of the positive difference it can make.

The report’s main conclusions are:

Rosemary Macdonald, CEO of UK Community Foundations commented:

“We are living in turbulent times. We need to look at how we can build the resilience and capacity of our communities. This means putting real power and resources in the hands of local people. The Dormant Assets Scheme presents us with a once in a generation opportunity to do that by growing community philanthropy. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Our members been working with local people for decades to create opportunities and support communities. We should be using the local knowledge, insights, and expertise that is already there.”

