Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Voluntary Arts England Launch the Epic Awards

Howard Lake | 7 June 2010 | News

Epic Awards

Media Information: Monday 7 June
For Immediate Release
VOLUNTARY ARTS ENGLAND SUPPORTED BY ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND present The epic awards, an award scheme designed to recognise and shine a spotlight on the excellent work taking place within the 50,000 voluntary and amateur art and craft groups operating throughout the country. Nominations open now.
The epic awards invite voluntary and amateur art and craft groups to nominate themselves in four categories; engagement, partnerships, innovation and creativity, with the winners receiving a package of benefits including training, equipment and publicity as well as being invited to a winners’ reception towards the end of the year.
Alan Davey, Chief Executive, Arts Council England:
The epic awards 2010 are a timely opportunity to recognise the excellent work undertaken by thousands of amateur arts groups across the country and encourage greater use of digital technologies amongst what is sometimes quite an isolated sector In 2008 , I challenged those participating in the voluntary and amateur arts in England to demonstrate its excellence: the epic awards will put voluntary and amateur excellence firmly in the spotlight.
Robin Simpson, Chief Executive Voluntary Arts:
We are delighted to be launching the epic awards which will recognise excellence in the voluntary and amateur arts. We know that high quality work is taking place week upon week, year upon year in community groups, school halls and living rooms up and down the country and the epic awards will shine a spotlight upon all these projects.

Editor’s notes:

Images and logos available from


Voluntary Arts England

Voluntary Arts England is the national development agency for arts participation. VAE raise awareness of the contribution that the voluntary and amateur arts and crafts make to the well-being of communities, social inclusion, lifelong learning, active citizenship and volunteering.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

epic awards

The epic awards aim to identify and promote excellent art and craft practice that exists within the voluntary arts sector.
The epic awards will highlight excellence in four key areas:
e- engagement
p -partnerships
i – innovation
c – creativity
There will be an award for each category.
Engagement Award
For the engagement category entrants will need to fulfil one or more of the following criteria:
Increased artistic membership
Initiatives that have increased membership considerably within the group, these programmes can have been delivered through any medium; social networking sites, newspapers, letter box drops.
Increased volunteering opportunities/schemes
Initiatives that focus on a number of volunteers involved within the group, this could be through the streamlining of a programme, a recruitment drive or a programme linked to partners such as a community group, school or college.
Broaden the range of people engaging with the group
Initiatives which have successfully managed to engage with a wide range of individuals, for example people from BME communities, people with disabilities, younger or older people
Increased audiences
Initiatives that have increased audiences for voluntary arts performances, exhibitions and displays.
Partnerships Award
For the partnership category entrants will need to fulfil one or more of the following criteria involving innovative or creative ways of working with partners within:
The private or professional sector
These kind of initiatives might include working with corporate companies, or commercial arts organisations or professional artists and organisations
The public sector
This would involve groups working with statutory funded organisations such as local authorities and their service providers.
The voluntary and community sector
This would involve working with self-governing organisations who deliver work for the public benefit.
Working with another art form
This would involve groups working with a group who practice a different art and craft form, for example woodworkers working with a drama group.
Innovation Award
The innovation award aims to recognise the collaborative and interdisciplinary work that is taking place in voluntary arts groups, mainly focusing on digital innovation.
The nature of the innovation could include:
ICT initiatives
Building your own website, utilising software free or otherwise, creating networks.
Showcasing skills photography, moving image, audio, and podcasts
Highlighting what can be done with moving image and audio, it’s not necessarily the content we are after, but how the content was used and what it actually achieved.
Utilising social media
Groups who have used social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr to great effect
Groups who have shown great innovation when it comes to the art of marketing, this could be both online and offline. This might include innovation such as having a column in a local newspaper, viral campaigns, volunteer led campaigns.
Creativity Award
For the creativity category entrants will need to fulfil one of the two following criteria:
Organisational creative development
This relates to groups who have creatively developed their organisation in areas other than engagement, partnerships and innovation.
This could be unusual/different ways of:
Organising events
Managing the group –ways of working and running the group
Overcoming obstacles
Creative uses of the art form itself – such as flash mob theatre
Personal creative development within the group
This relates to a creative personal journey within the group.
This could be:
Learning new skills to bring to the group
Attending workshops to develop the skills of the group
Attending conferences


Voluntary sector umbrella bodies can nominate organisations or groups to be short listed for the awards. Furthermore, umbrella bodies will be disseminating information to their membership. Groups can also nominate themselves,
Phases of competition/entries
Nominations open Tuesday 2nd June 2010
Deadline for entries Friday 10th September 2010
Shortlisted entries will be listed on the site on or around the 15th September with winning groups announced in October 2010.
More detailed information about the shortlisted groups will be available on the website.
The award ceremony will take place in October/November
Once the awards have taken place, the photographs and information about the ‘winners’ will be showcased on the site.
Press Contact:
Jill Hargreaves
Marketing and Communications Officer
epic awards
Voluntary Arts England
1st floor, 7 Old Eldon Square
Newcastle upon Tyne


0191 230 4464


