The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Institute launches new version of its tax-effective giving website

The Institute of Fundraising has redeveloped its tax-effective giving microsite, with content for charities, fundraisers and donors. It covers the wide range of tax-effective methods of giving to charity, with sections on Gift Aid, gifts of shares, payroll giving, legacies, trusts and foundations, Self Assessment giving, giving by businesses, and donating land and property.
The site’s creation and redevelopment has been funded by the Office of the Third Sector (now the Office for Civil Society). It includes case studies, information on how to register with HMRC to access these methods of giving, news updates, and a Gift Aid calculator.
The site also promotes the Institute’s tax-effective giving helpline and its range of workshops and training sessions on tax-effective giving. It links to the Gift Aid forum set up by the Institute to share best practice online.

