Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

If you think Facebook isn’t for fundraising you should perhaps think again about just what fundraising is

Howard Lake | 28 October 2010 | Blogs

I’m just catching-up on a bit of an email backlog after spending a few days over in Holland at last week’s 30th Annual International Fundraising Congress, and a headline in one email news bulletin happened to catch my eye… “FACEBOOK IS NOT FOR FUNDRAISING, SAYS FACEBOOK EXEC”
That’s pretty eyecatching – so, naturally, I read on.
In short the article was a summary of the Convention session given by Elmer Sotto, Facebook Canada’s ‘Head of Growth’ – which happens to be one of the sessions I attended. However, I certainly didn’t come away from Elmer’s presentation with the message that “Facebook is not for fundraising”.
So why did the author think this was the key take-out? I suspect it has to do with a lack of understanding as to the power of Facebook as a Consideration Building Mechanism as well as the need for fundraisers to think afresh about the actual Giving Mechanisms that we offer Facebookers who come across our cause on the site…
Click here to read on at

