Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

IoF to conduct review of Codes of Practice

The Institute of Fundraising is to carry out a full review of the best practice ./guidance contained in its Codes of Fundraising Practice. The review will take place between now (October 2011) and March 2012 with recommendations presented to all relevant audiences in April 2012.
The review will look at all aspects of the Codes, how fundraisers view and use them and the changes that could be made to improve the way they are used. The Institute wants to make sure they are universally used and accessible to all and will be consulting with all its members and other leading organisations and sector bodies to ensure the widest range of views are gained. All feedback will be collected and assessed b the IoF as part of the review process.
The IoF will contact all members and a survey and codes feedback form together with more information about the reivew is available on the Institute’s website

