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One million recycled M&S hangers raise £370k for UNICEF

Howard Lake | 7 February 2012 | News

Marks and Spencer customers have recycled 100 million clothes hangers in six months and raised £370,000 for UNICEF in the process.
Since the partnership launched in July 2011, M&S customers have been invited to leave hangers behind when shopping, rather than take them home, so that they could be used again in store or recycled. M&S made the donation because of the savings it helped them achieve.
M&S donates 50p for every £1 saved from hanger recycling to UNICEF, to fund a new project in two locations within the Mymensingh and Dhaka regions of Bangladesh.
All intact hangers are shipped back to M&S garment manufacturers to be reused, and shipped in containers that would have previously been travelling back to their destination empty. Damaged hangers are reground and turned back into hangers; and the metal hooks are melted down and reused. Even the cardboard boxes used to house the hangers are reused at least four times, then recycled, according to M&S.

