Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

New classified adverts section gives companies prominence on Google

Howard Lake | 19 June 2012 | Blogs

Over the past few months we’ve been introducing a new classified advertising section to UK Fundraising, designed to help fundraising companies and charities appear in the top 10 search results on Google.
The classified ads section involves an ever-growing number of pages on a particular subject or keyword relating to fundraising. At the top of every page is a section for one advertiser to place all their details, including contact details, logo, videos and other content.
We only create pages for generic fundraising words, not company names or registered trademarks of course. We assume that most organisations should be able to rank highly on Google for their own name. Our service comes into its own for generic words and phrases like ‘fundraising events’, ‘fundraising badges’, how to run for charity’, ‘fundraising database’, and ‘director of fundraising’.
We have found that we can create a page and usually get it listed within the top 10 search results on in a matter of weeks. Some organisations take years before they achieve that. How do we manage it? A bit of clever page writing, some understanding of search engine optimisation, but mostly the unrivalled age, reputation and incoming links that has attracted over the years.

Classified ads at a glance

• Our classified ads section helps get your organisation found on for keywords that matter to you.
• Book a listing on one of our existing unclaimed pages – only one advertiser per page though, so first come first served.
• Add your content, images, videos, client recommendations, contact details etc.
• Pay monthly with no tie-in.
• Pay only if the page remains in the top 10 on
• Enjoy the bonus of ranking highly for similar search terms e.g ‘Director of Fundraising’ also ranks highly for searches for ‘Fundraising Director’. We don’t guarantee these and don’t of course charge for these.

Does it work?

• You can test it at any time: it is very transparent. Search and you’ll be able to see if your listing is in the top 10 results.
• We check the rankings of all our pages every day, and will notify advertisers if they slip out of the top 10 results. We’ll work to get the page back in as soon as possible.
• We keep getting called by people responding to the classified ads, ringing our number that we put in the holding text. We’d like those enquiries to go to an advertiser.
• We can tell you how many times a page has been viewed.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

What does it look like?

See how the classifieds ads section works for ‘Director of Fundraising’. (We are building pages for fundraising job titles too).

Choose your keyword

We are publishing dozens of pages and announcing them as they start to rank in the top 10 on But perhaps you have a keyword or phrase that you would love to rank highly for? Challenge us: let us create a classified ads page for that keyword or phrase. Once we get it into the top 10 results, you’ll have first refusal on advertising on that page. You do not pay until you are on page one on

Other advertising opportunities

UK Fundraising does of course have other complimentary advertising opportunities including the supplier directory and the display advertising. The classified ads though are different in that they are specifically designed to get organisations found on relevant searches on

