The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Skilled volunteer matchmaker site offers free membership for charities

Howard Lake | 5 November 2012 | News

Give What You’re Good At, the skilled volunteer matchmaker services that matches volunteer professionals to charities, is opening up its services to new charities. From today, charities that become members will be eligible for a free match worth up to £11,000.

Launched in March 2012, Give What You’re Good At has already saved charities over a million pounds in professional fees.

One of the first of 150 charities to benefit was animal charity The Blue Cross. They were matched to animal lover Fiona who develops e-learning tools for a living. She built them an e-learning tool which saved them over £30,000.


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Give What You’re Good At aims to match people with charities based on their passion, skill and personality.

So far they have generated income by charging charities and social enterprises a small fee to connect them with skilled volunteers to deliver a specific project. 

From today all registered charities with an income over £100,000 and which meet the criteria and who are not existing Give What You’re Good At clients, will be eligible for the free match. This has been made possible by a grant of £50,000 from NESTA funded by The Cabinet Office.

How it works

Participating charities can list a project and individuals can offer to carry it out. When you have a match is offered, the charity logs in, reviews the application and chooses whether to accept or reject or ask the professional. They can then enter the work-room where they exchange the information the professional needs to deliver on your project. 

Give What You’re Good At claims that its free membership will be worth £5,000,000 to charities over the next 12 months.

