The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

PFRA aims to double council agreements for F2F within a year

Howard Lake | 1 February 2013 | News

The Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) is aiming to double the number of agreements with local councils to manage face-to-face fundraising within a year.

Lucy Ellender, a programme officer at the Local Government Association, today joins the PFRA on a year-long secondment to help them achieve this.

Dr Toby Ganley, PFRA’s head of policy, explained: “We have set ourselves the target of having 100 signed agreements with councils by the end of 2013. To do that we are going to need to be able to find ways into councils we haven’t had much engagement with and, with her extensive contacts, Lucy is the perfect person to help us do that.”


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Lucy Ellender said that she was looking forward to helping both charities and councils balance their needs: She said: “The prospect of helping charities to identify and gain new donors and funding as well as giving councils and their communities greater control over how and when fundraising takes place really attracted me to this role”.

Ellender will work full-time for the PFRA but will spend one day a week working out of the LGA’s offices in Westminster.

The secondment is another product of the working relationship that the LGA and PFRA have developed over the past six months. In November 2012 they launched a joint Pledge to improve standards of street fundraising.

