Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

GlobalGiving UK announces next Gateway Challenge for charities

Howard Lake | 14 March 2013 | News

GlobalGiving UK has announced its next Gateway Challenge, an opportunity for a small group of charities to join its online fundraising platform.

Since 2002 GlobalGiving has helped charities raise over £50 million. GlobalGiving UK is a registered charity.

What is Gateway Challenge?

It is a year since GlobalGiving UK last accepted more charity members to its network. By taking part in the next Gateway Challenge other organisations can run a fundraising campaign that gives them a chance to build their online fundraising skills and presence, and gives supporters another reason to donate.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Organisations that raise at least £2000 from 50 donors will gain a permanent place and access to other donors on

The deadline to apply to take part is 8 April 2013. Successful applicants will then take part in online fundraising training in May, and the actual campaign will run from 1 to 30 June.

GlobalGiving UK has worked with over 350 small charities. More than 100 have joined through the Gateway Challenge.

Kathryn Garnett from African Steps explained how the Gateway Challenge helped raise £13,000 for their TB prevention project in Malawi.

“I am extremely grateful to the GlobalGiving UK team for their help with the fundraising Challenge…" she said. "They gave me endless, willing advice. I have learnt so much by taking part in the fundraising challenge and am sure that our organisation will benefit from the new skills learnt for many years to come. Thank you GlobalGiving UK team!"

